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What is the Scouts of the World Award? 

Scouts of the World Award (SOWA) is a Scout Network only award that gives Scout Network members the chance to undertake a project of their choice within the themes of Peace, Environment and Sustainability.  
Through your Scouts of the World Award journey, you’ll develop skills and knowledge that will empower you to undertake a project that will make a sustainable impact on your local, national or international community, while developing your personal skills. 
You don’t have to go abroad to complete your Scouts of the World Award. Local and national projects are acceptable, as long as all requirements of the award are being met. 


Whichever theme you choose for your project it should have a strong tie to the 17 World Sustainable Development Goals.  

Currently Chris Worthington is the National SOWA Lead.  

How do I gain the award? 

First - be a Scout Network member.  

Second – Attend a Discovery Day 

During this day you will have a chance to meet others registered for the award, learn more about the three award themes and the World Sustainable Development Goals. Ultimately you should come away with ideas for your own project.  

Discovery days are posted on the National Network Facebook Group and/or as we hear about them in County. They will be advertised through the County Social Media channels.  

Third – Register for the award here.

Fourth – Plan your project around one of the three themes.  

Fifth – Complete your 80-hour project.  

Sixth – Reflect, evaluate and give a presentation on your project.  


The first SOWA in Hertfordshire 

In October 2021 Alexander Hawkins was the first person in Hertfordshire to complete and receive his Scouts of the World Award. His project centred around the theme of sustainable development. Alex worked at a campsite that was in need of renewing some of its activity infrastructure. The campsite is based in a historic woodland and so all of the materials for the project had to come from that area. In addition, any wood used had to be signed off by the forestry commission and come from the site itself. Alex built relationships with key stakeholders of the campsite to ensure maintenance of the activity equipment for the foreseeable future.  

To mark the occasion and present Alex with his award we planted an oak tree at Knebworth Park Estate. Family and friends as well as key people from Hertfordshire Scouts were invited to enjoy the afternoon and assist with the tree planting.  


If you would like to find the SOWA tree and check on it’s progress you can find it using  

  • Grid Ref: (224, 211) 

  • What Three Words: groom.during.crop 

  • Google LandmarkClick Here 


Watch the Presentation: 



More information from National Scouting about the Scouts of the World Award can be found here  


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Hertfordshire County Scout Council registered charity in England and Wales: 302606 Scotland: 039650​

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