11th - 13th
October 2024
Booking Now Open (see bottom of page)
*Kit list and General Information will be available shortly
As you may be aware we have changed how Peak Assault will look for 2024 and the future. Below you will find all the details regarding the event, including any changes.
What is Peak Assault?
Peak Assault is an exciting navigation competition for teams of young people in an upland area of England or Wales. The location is traditionally kept a secret, but in the past Peak Assault has visited many upland areas including: The Peak District, The Lake District, North Wales, Dartmoor, Exmoor and the Brecon Beacons.
The competition takes place over a weekend and teams must navigate to check points around the course to collect as many points as possible in a set time on Saturday and again on Sunday morning, camping overnight.
Peak Assault has been taking place almost every year since 1968 and attracts young people from all over Hertfordshire and visiting teams from other Counties.
What's happening in 2024?
As previously communicated, we have changed our approach to Peak Assault 2024 and beyond owing to feedback and the significant cost pressures we are encountering which impacts the event being open to all. We want to ensure that we provide events that deliver great skills for life and enable as many young people as possible to have access to new and exciting opportunities.
For Peak Assault 2024 we have devised a great local event closer to home. Operating in Hertfordshire based out of Phasels Wood, the focus of Peak Assault 2024 will be to engage more young people to become familiar with the Peak Assault format, in easier surroundings. It will enable teams of young people to learn and put their navigation skills into practice, be supported as needed and develop their orienteering and walking skills in a more forgiving environment.
We anticipate delivering a remote event, in future years.
For 2024, we will maintain the usual structure of Peak Assault with some adjustments. The layout of the event will be broadly as follows:
Friday 11th October:
Teams arrive at Phasels Wood from 9pm onwards.
Teams pitch their tents in the dark and settle in for the evening
Saturday 12th October:
Teams rise and eat breakfast.
Teams pack their equipment, rucksacks, ensuring they are carrying all required items on the kit list (team and personal)
Teams report to kit check at their allotted time.
Teams complete kit check and proceed through start grid to receive instructions, maps etc
Teams get 30 minutes to plot their initial points/route on maps
Teams board coaches to be transported to remote start point
Teams dropped at start point and proceed through start “gate”
Teams have 8 hours to return to Phasels Wood via a mix of optional and mandatory checkpoints, aiming to score as many points as possible in that time.
On return, teams settle back in, cook dinner, socialise and prepare for the next day.
Sunday 13th October
Rise and eat breakfast
Teams pack for a smaller requirement and shorter day
Teams report to start point at allotted time.
Teams face a series of challenges linked to lightweight expeditions and micro-navigation in the local surroundings over a 3-hour period.
Competition wraps up
Teams strike camp
Competition closes and teams depart at approximately 12:30.
Key Points:
To cater for all levels of navigation, there will be both competitive and training team entry options available.
Kit requirements will be broadly similar to the usual Peak Assault requirements to ensure that kit is sustainable for the future. It means that people don’t buy for the “local” event and discover their kit is not appropriate for the “remote” event at a later point.
Kit check will be operated in the same way as for the remote event.
We want to encourage as many young people as possible, especially those young people and teams who wouldn’t normally come to Peak Assault to come and give the local event a try, understand how Peak Assault works with a view to preparing them for the remote event which we anticipate running in alternative years.
Who can Enter Peak Assault and how many are in a team?
Peak Assault is open to anyone over the age of 14. There are four types of teams that can be entered.
Explorer Scout Teams: Must be between 14 and under 18, consisting of 4 - 7 members, 2 or more of which must be over 16.
Explorer Scout Training Teams: Between 14 and under 18, consisting of 3 - 6 members plus 1 or 2 Adult Leaders walking with them. (Up to 2 members can be between 13 and 14 to encourage links to Scout Troops)
Scout Network Teams: Must be between 18 and under 25, consisting of 4 - 7 members and must all be members of a Scout Network.
Visitor Teams
Visitor Teams are: a) teams from Scouting outside Hertfordshire or b) Other organisations (e.g. Girl Guiding, Cadets from Hertfordshire or elsewhere). Visitor teams are welcome in any of the above classes provided they fulfil the relevant criteria. All members of a Visitor Team must be members of the visiting organisation. Visiting Teams should satisfy their own organisations activity (c.f. Scout Association POR 9.1 Activity Rules etc.) and safeguarding requirements and prepare accordingly.
Senior Teams in 2024
We are not running a senior team category for 2024, however we would like to ask all who would have considered entering as a senior team, to join us as walking leaders to assist with training Explorer Teams. You can help us out individually or as a pair of leaders, walking with one team, to help guide and teach our Explorer Training Teams.
A optional catering package is available, consisting of breakfast on Saturday and Sunday, along with dinner on Saturday night. This will be at a cost of £17.00. Please provide your own lunches.
There are no other fees for adults.
All adults attending Peak Assault in a supporting role must have a valid Scouting DBS and up to date mandatory training.
Explorer and Network Team support
Support will still be required by your Explorer and Network teams as usual. Once your teams are through and on the coach Saturday morning we would like to utilise you as extra marshals out on the course if you are able to further support the training of the young people.
On Sunday we will need again need some help throughout the morning.
We want to replicate the Remote Overnight Site experience as far as possible, so we will be keeping this separate from Base Camp as usual.
A optional catering package is available, consisting of breakfast on Saturday and Sunday, along with dinner on Saturday night. This will be at a cost of £17.00. Please provide your own lunches.
There are no other fees for adults.
All adults attending Peak Assault in a supporting role must have a valid Scouting DBS and up to date mandatory training.
Marshals, Field Response and other staff
To continue to make Peak Assault a success we need your ongoing support and ask as many of you as possible to join us this year. There will still be the usual marshalling, training, advising, kit checking, safety and response duties as any other year, just in a different environment.
Catering will be provided consisting of breakfast on Saturday and Sunday, along with dinner on Saturday night. This will be at a cost of £17.00. Please provide your own lunches.
There are no other fees for adults.
All adults attending Peak Assault in a supporting role must have a valid Scouting DBS and up to date mandatory training.
Entry Fees
Explorer Scout and Network Teams: £27.50 per person
Non-scouting/other organisations: £27.50 + VAT per person (£33.00)
All leaders, supporters, staff, marshals etc for catering £17.00
Relevant team lists, downloadable below, must be completed and submitted to hpa@hertfordshirescouts.org.uk before the closing date of Saturday 21st September.
Closing date for entries is Saturday 21st September.
If you have any questions, please contact the team at hpa@hertfordshirescouts.org.uk