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14th - 16th 
October 2022


We've all been waiting for it, Peak Assault is back for 2022!


What is Peak Assault?

Peak Assault is a navigation competition for teams of young people in an upland area of England or Wales. The location is traditionally kept a secret, but in the past Peak Assault has visited many upland areas including: The Peak District, The Lake District, North Wales, Dartmoor, Exmoor and the Brecon Beacons.


The competition takes place over a weekend and teams must navigate to check points around the course to collect as many points as possible throughout Saturday and again on Sunday morning.

Peak Assault has been taking place almost every year since 1968 and attracts more than 250 people in over 30 teams.


Changes for 2022 

As a result of the last two events being cancelled there are very few Explorers with HPA experience and, due to recent restrictions, many Units will have been unable to provide time on the hill for their members. To provide a safe path back to a more ‘usual’ Peak Assault in the future there will be changes to Day 1 for Explorer Teams.  


At the Start Line, all Explorer Teams and Explorer Training Teams will receive an initial set of checkpoints which they must visit, finishing with a mandatory checkpoint. Teams that achieve this accurately and within the specified time, will receive a set of checkpoints for the whole Day 1 course. Teams that don’t will receive a reduced set of checkpoints. (See section 9 – The Competition). On Day 1 all Explorer Team’s scores will be recorded but will not form part of the competition. This will solely be based on Day 2. For Network and Senior Teams, their score from both days will count towards their competition. This year there will not be a Lowland Event. 


Who can enter Peak Assault and how many people are in a team?

Peak Assault is open to anyone over the age of 14. There are five types of teams that can be entered.

  • Explorer Scout Teams: Must be between 14 and under 18, consisting of 4 - 7 members, 2 or more of which must be over 16.

  • Explorer Scout Training Teams: Between 14 and under 18, consisting of 3 - 6 members plus an Adult Leader walking with them. (Up to 2 members can be between 13 and 14 to encourage links to Scout Troops)

  • Scout Network Teams: Must be between 18 and under 25, consisting of 4 - 7 members and must all be members of a Scout Network.

  • Senior Teams: Must be between 18 and over, consisting of 4 - 7 members and is for teams with members who are not eligible for the Network competition i.e. those with some or all members over 25.


Visitor Teams 

Visitor Teams are: a) teams from Scouting outside Hertfordshire or b) Other organisations (e.g. Girl Guiding, Cadets from Hertfordshire or elsewhere). Visitor teams are welcome in any of the above classes provided they fulfil the relevant criteria. All members of a Visitor Team must be members of the visiting organisation. Visiting Teams should satisfy their own organisations activity (c.f. Scout Association POR 9.1 Activity Rules etc.) and safeguarding requirements and prepare accordingly. 


Full information including entry fees can be found in the General Information Document.


Formal entry will open in September, however registration is now available by completing the Registration Form.


Further documents to help with explaining the event and how it runs are also available below.


Kit List

Kit Lists / Requirements are broadly the same as previous years, however there is an upgraded requirement on rucksack liners as a result of kit seen soaked due to failure. We have added additional liners to allow separation of core items. These changes are highlighted in yellow on the kit list. The Kit List can be found here. Any queries on kit requirements, please contact Richard Hayward,



The booking portal is now open, this is now all online and new for 2022. We have produced a guide on how to book available here.

Once you have booked please download the appropriate Team List: Explorer Team or Network/Senior Team, complete and email to the Registrar.


Health Forms

Health forms will be requested at a later date, you will receive an email from the registrar when this is required. They will be an online form.



For any further questions, please contact


Book Here


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